Sunday, 17 April 2011

Welcome to the Tralfamadore Zoo

Welcome to the Tralfamadore International Zoo. Please keep your hand and eye in the shuttle at all times. Although all of you already know what's in store, please try to act mildly surprised when you see all the creatures.

As you all already know, we are now passing the Womboozles. At this moment in time, the Womboozles always have and always will be licking their toes. The Wamboozles have been brought in from the planet of Satercury, where their numbers are limited. These Womboozles will turn to look at you for exactly three seconds before resuming with their interesting activity.

We are coming up to the Wookiee wildlife zone next. As you all know, the Wookiees are known as the 'People of the Trees' and are covered in a thick coat of hair. These creatures come from the planet Kashyyyk, and are loyal and devoted creatures. These Wookiees will not move an inch in the thirty seconds that we will observe them.

As I'm sure you all know, the next territory is that of the Na'vi. The Na'vi are among the tallest creatures we have at our zoo, reaching heights of up to 3m.  They have come, and always will come from Pandora, and are similar in appearence to humans. They are, however, much faster, stronger, and more agile than their human counterparts.

The human exhibit is the last exhibit of the day. As you all know,we currently have two humans in confinement here at the zoo, neither of whom are remotely interesting at all.

I hope you all enjoyed your predetermined visit to the Trafamadore International Zoo. I hope you had, and always will have, a wonderful time.


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